Monday, September 22, 2014

A Good Page Turner!

While I have not been able to shake this summer cold I seem to have caught, I decided to settle in for a more lengthy book than I have read recently.  I knew that if it was a good book, I would be able to keep my mind occupied so that my body could get some rest.  I was right, I was stuck in bed reading The Moon Coin by Richard Due.  This one reminded me a little of Harry Potter when I first looked at the book, but I soon realized that there was far more to it than I thought.  More than just a little story of a faraway land with aliens on it and other sci-fi elements.  It was a touching story of the stories that a man used to tell his young grandchildren before bed, ones that their parents did not want them to know about.
This book was a great book that I think all ages would enjoy.  It is a story about two children who thought that the bedtime stories that they were told as children were just fairy tales.  As they progress through the story, we learn that there is much more that their grandfather told them then they realize, and it wasn't all just in his imagination.  While this may be a bit long for some readers, it is packed with adventures, and every time you turn around, the story has progressed to another realm with a new cast of characters,  I found myself addicted to see where they would end up next!
When I was finished with the book--three days after I started it--I felt better and I was touched by the relationship between the grandchildren and their grandfather and how the stories were related to that relationship.  If you liked the Harry Potter books, but wished they were more mature, you will love this book.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Great book at a great time!

This book was given to me by a friend a few months ago and I have had it lying around the house ever since.  While I was trying to get some This book was full of short stories, that are fun and easy to ready without an investment of hours and hours of reading a book to get to the ending.  These stories always had a surprise ending, and it was fun to get that type of story in such a small amount of time.  They all had their own element of mystery and surprise at the end, but to tell any of the story would ruin it for you.   done before we had guests over for a get together on Labor Day, I found it and started reading it after I had cleaned up from everyone leaving that night.  The book is called Long Stories Short by Karen Black.  The cover does not reveal any of the contents inside and if I discuss them now, it will ruin them for you.  There are many stories contained in a book that is not all that large, and they were all fast enough to read in less than an hour each.  This made them a great find over the weekend, because even when I am busy, I can take a time out and get in a good story before I have to take care of something else that needs to be done before our guests arrive.