Vardin Village by Maggie Spence is a heartwarming story about the Vardin family, which the town is named after, and their roots and secrets that they have kept for a number of years. When the youngest heir to the Vardin fortune is denied his rights as the heir of the family fortune, some of the former employees of his grandfather uncover secrets that were hidden and not found until several years after his death. George and Elenor's father was dead and their mother was more concerned with her drug habit than taking care of her kids and soon ran off, leaving the children to fend for themselves. This story focuses on the children's struggle to survive until the staff of his family's old mansion take them in and help them to uncover the last will and testament of their grandfather.
If you have a few days to just kick back and relax, this one is a great read that is not boring and tugs at the heartstrings.
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